We provide a complimentary review of your current Safety Management System (SMS) to ensure it complies with current Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) and Work Health and Safety (WHS) requirements.
We offer customised SMS plans that can be tailored to fit your day to day operations and budget. We provide onboard assessment, evaluation, and enhancement of your SMS, coupled with ongoing checks to stay up-to-date with regulations and operational changes. Additionally, we offer training on safety management and customised workflows for a wide range of business types.
Develop SMS Manuals
Audit and Enhance Existing SMS Manuals
SMS Management
Hazard Identification
Risk Analysis
Digital Access to SMS Contents
Domestic Commercial Vessels (DCV)
Regulated Australian Vessels (RAV)
Hire and Drive Operators
Maritime Businesses OHSMS
Initial SMS Assessment
We provide an initial assessment and report to ensure full compliance with all current regulatory standards. This report will be offered to you without any obligations and will serve as a valuable resource in helping you understand the necessary regulatory requirements.
SMS Management
Ideal for those operating one vessel through to fleet owners that want peace of mind of always knowing your SMS is compliant at all times. Shorlink monitors any changes within regulatory bodies and reviews and updates your SMS accordingly. We also conduct annual reviews to ensure compliance in meeting AMSA and WHS requirements. We also review your vessel’s log book, training records and maintenance records to ensure compliance.
SMS Management & Training
In addition to the SMS Management Plan, Shorlink delivers onboard vessel inductions and emergency response training for all crew members. This training not only provides Owners and Operators compliance with the latest Government requirements, our training sessions and subsequent documentation provides valuable evidence in the event of incident . Our regular training program ensures your crew return and return safe.